Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Is Special K good for you?


     I see and hear about people eating Special K products in an effort to lose weight. Why wouldn't they? 90 calories in one serving. That's it? Special K even has it's own diet plan. It is one of many brands that sucks us in with their brilliant advertising. Special K grasps our attention with words like PROTEIN, MEAL bar, FIBER, and FAT Free. 

     What most people don't realize is that Special K's entire "weight loss" line is terrible for you! To begin, they all contain trans fats even though the nutrition label says 0g. This is legal because the FDA states that if a product contains <1g of a substance, the industries can list it as 0g. Lets say that you have 2 Special K granola bars containing .5g of trans fats. You just consumed 1g of trans fat unknowingly. The problem is, ALL trans fats are bad for you. In short/simple terms, they raise bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol. You can avoid consuming trans fats by checking the ingredients. Partially hydrogenated oils or hydrogenated oils is what you should look for. Aside from trans fats, Special K is highly processed, loaded with sugar and tons of other chemicals to give it the color and taste (none of which are good for your waistline).

     I know that today's society is extremely fast paced and on-the-go. That is why products like Special K appeal to us. But do not be discouraged! There are other brands out there that are actually healthy for you and taste just as good, if not better.  My favorite is KASHI!!! This brand blows Special K out of the water. Actually, it blows most (if not all) brands out of the water. There are Kashi breakfast bars, cereal, oatmeal, snack bars, cookies, pizzas, waffles, crisps, pilaf, and even entrees. Most Kashi products receive a B or B+ on fooducate. 

     I don't touch Special K products anymore and I suggest you don't either. You're better off eating a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch (no, I'm not kidding).  

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