Monday, October 28, 2013

I'm back!

Hey y'all! :) I am a terrible blogger! I have not posted anything in months. Nursing school is taking over my life! I am enjoying it though. 
Since it has been a while since I have posted, I am going to share what I have learned and discovered over the last few months. 

     The first one is TOFURKY. Tofurky products are vegetarian, kosher, organic, made with organic soybeans and/or organic tofu. Not only are they so healthy, but SOO yummy. Tofurky comes as sausages, cold cuts, pizza, ground tofurky, and pies. I buy Tofurky at Trader Joes, but I bet any whole foods store will have it. 

     I have also discovered Trader Joe's Roasted Vegetable Multigrain Lasagna. Fooducate grades it a B. It has 4 servings = lunch tomorrow, the next day, & the next day. :D

     Freshii in Castleton & Keystone malls. FINALLY a healthy option. :)) I am actually eating Freshii as I type this. A burrito that I turned into a salad. Kale, avocado, corn, tomatoes, red onion, sriracha, and quinoa. Quinoa also happens to be one of my new discoveries! It is so yummy!!! Quinoa is a chenopod, which is similar to species such as beetroots and spinach. The nutrient composition is great compared with common cereals. Quinoa seeds contain essential amino acids like lysine and high quantities of calcium, phosphorus, and iron. They are cooked the same way as rice and used in a wide range of dishes. 

 I have also discovered the new line made by Lean Cuisine-  "Honestly Good Lean Cuisine." I don't eat frozen meals anymore, not even the Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones, etc. Although the calorie number is low, other numbers are high. They aren't good for you. I was at the grocery the other day when I saw the Honestly Good meals. I decided to whip out my Fooducate scanner, even though I already knew what it was going to tell me. Or I thought I knew. It got an A-!! NOTHING ever gets an A-. Check em out. They're yummy and they cater to our on-the-go fast pace lives. :D 

     That's all for now. I will try to post more often, especially with the holidays just around the corner. How can you enjoy the holidays and continue to eat healthy? Stay tuned :-)